
Area53 banner which is a collection of lots of scattered pictures of things the blogger likes, from music artists and films to TV shows.


From the Past

Films on the to-do list

  • Armageddon Time
  • Black Widow
  • Chimes at Midnight
  • The Killing of a Sacred Deer
  • Last Christmas
  • Remember Sunday
  • Shazam! 2
  • Thor: Love and Thunder
  • Spy Guys

Derailed (2005)

Film review: Derailed (2005), directed by Mikael Håfström

A family man forgets to buy a train ticket one morning, hasn’t got any money and a pretty lady offers to buy one for him. And they get a cup of coffee. And drinks. And end up in a hotel room. A man bursts in, knocks the family man out, rapes the pretty lady and afterwards, the two victims try to sweep it under the carpet, because they both have families.

However, the attacker isn’t happy with just stealing their credit cards and money – he wants more and starts a blackmailing campaign against Family Man, who already has two mortgages and a daughter who needs a new kidney, and so on.

Family Man: ruggedly handsome Clive Owen. Pretty Lady: Jennifer Aniston. Attacker: Vincent Cassel. It also starred Rachael Blake (I didn’t realise it was Melanie from Sam Neill film Perfect Strangers until now, although I thought she looked familiar!), and Xzibit.

I just found this movie got on my nerves. A lot. I can get the whole fancying someone and going to a hotel with them, but at the same time – why would you “need” to have an affair with Jennifer Aniston when you’re already married to the gorgeous Melissa George? Makes very little sense. Then it just goes into stranger and stranger territory and I cringe with the events, because it feels as if Owen’s character’s actions get less and less believable or even plausible.

I should’ve seen the Plot Twist coming a mile off, really, but I was on my computer at the same time, so didn’t pay complete attention. Basically because the film failed to grab me in the first place! Just a bit implausible and weird and not that great, really. Should’ve gone to bed instead.

1 out of 5 cons.


An easily distracted and over-excited introvert who never learns to go to bed at a reasonable time. Enjoys traveling (when there's not a plague on), and taking photos of European architecture. Cares for cats, good coffee and Boardwalk Empire. A child of her time, she did media studies in school and still can't decide what she wants to be when she grows up.

4 thoughts on “Derailed (2005)

  1. I saw this movie awhile ago and wasn’t impressed either. Can’t remember much more than that!

    BTW Traxy thank you for The Honest Scrap Award!! I forget if I already thanked you, it was awhile ago, but as it was my first award I was a bit unclear what to do about it.
    I have returned the favour and am honouring your blog with the same award as you are always so honest! I love your blog and it is one of the very first ones I discovered when beginning my RA obsession almost a year ago now. Thank you for inspiring me to read more classical literature. I now have a copy of Agnes Grey (which I intend to get to soon), thanks to your review. I also enjoy your posts on various movies that you watched.
    Don’t feel you need to do anything about this award, as you have already passed it on!

  2. Clive Owen is rather fine. Oh lord, when he strips to his vest in Gosford Park!

    Anyway… that film sounds a bit daft. Two mortgages and a daughter who needs a kidney transplant, and he must shag Jennifer Anniston? OH OF COURSE! How plausible!

  3. Helen: Aye, my thoughts exactly! His actions just didn’t add up to begin with, and it snowballed from there. Such as all he had to do FROM THE VERY START was to admit to his wife that he very nearly had an affair but didn’t in the end (he could’ve lied and said “I just couldn’t go through with it because I love you”, she wouldn’t have known), and because he refused to tell her, he got entangled in a blackmail of “well if you don’t give me lotsa money, I’m telling your wife”. WTH!!

    phylly3: You’re welcome! 🙂 And thank you very much for your kind words – and for the award! I’m too bad with remembering to pass them on. *blush* Which reminds me, I need to pass on the Versatile Blogger one…

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