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Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Film review: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), directed by Joe Johnston

It’s early 1940s, and puny Steve Rogers (Chris Evans, shrunk using CGI) has been refused a place in Uncle Sam’s forces for the fourth or fifth time. His buddy Bucky (Sebastian Stan) is a soldier about to be shipped off to Europe, and he’s tall, dark and handsome. What is Steve? A nice guy who gets beaten up a lot, but who wants to fight for what’s right.

During one of his attempts to enlist Steve is noticed by Dr Erskine (Stanley Tucci), who approves his application – so he can join an experimental program to create a super soldier. You don’t necessarily need to have great physical strength to be a hero. Colonel Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones) doesn’t agree, but lets the doctor get on with it. Aided by Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell – it’s never explained what she as a Brit is doing in the US military) and Tony “Iron Man” Stark’s dad Howard (Dominic Cooper), little Steve soon becomes big, hunky Steve. And seconds after that, hell breaks loose.

The lab was infiltrated by a Nazi spy – Heinz Kruger (Richard Armitage, will get to him in a bit), though he’s never named in the film – who causes havoc trying to steal some of that super soldier serum with which Steve was injected. You see, Kruger works for an organisation called HYDRA, a Nazi specialist weapon section. At the helm of HYDRA is a scientist called Johann Scmidt (Hugo Weaving), with his sidekick Dr Zola (Toby Jones). Schmidt doesn’t plan on being Hitler’s lap dog for long – he wants the whole world. Cue a doomsday device, let’s call it the CUBE-INATOR, and lots of heroics … if only the great symbol that is Captain America – i.e. Steve – could find a moment in his busy schedule of Inspiring Speeches to go save the world …

There you go, that’s basically what it’s about. Evil Nazis and Captain America being a symbol of hope fighting against that evil. And it has Iron Man’s dad in it, although ironically, I think JJ Feild (who plays the British officer dude that gets rescued, James Montgomery Falsworth, the one with the beret) looks more like Robert Downey Jr than Dominic Cooper.

While we’re on the subject of rescues, I was happy to see Neal McDonough, or the Tin Man from the brilliant Syfy miniseries Tin Man. That man has a killer smile, even if he has the ugliest moustache known to man.

Why have I not noticed Stanley Tucci before? Chris Evans, who did a great turn as the Captain, seemed to enjoy himself. He’s not just a pretty face and a buff body, he’s a decent actor too. He made Steve someone the audience can sympathise with. So we love a good underdog, but Steve is the sort of guy you want to hug. And take home and feed, like a lost puppy.

There are different reasons for watching this film. Mr T enjoys a good comic book adaptation, and I enjoy a good film … especially when it comes with Richard Armitage. Heinz Kruger only has a few, short lines (except the first one, it’s long-ish and that American accent sounds terribly unnatural), and he’s not in the movie for very long, but you can tell he’s a shady bloke straight from the off. The way he’s introduced, the way the camera lingers on him, and so on. Couldn’t have said TRAITOR any clearer unless he wore it as a badge!

What I loved about his short stint, aside from a pretty good action sequence, was how eerily cold-blooded he acted. Shooting old ladies? Not a problem. Taking small children hostage and then throwing them into the water? Why, certainly. Bang! What an excellent villain! You’re bound to notice and remember him, simply from that performance. And to think he wasn’t even named, and his appearance was so short-lived. (As was his character, har har.)

The film itself: Loved the 1940s setting, with its clothes and looks. Enjoyed the acting and the actors. Hailey Atwell is absolutely radiant, and that 1940s look really suits her (if only I didn’t keep being distracted by how red her lipstick was). Catchy show tune about the star-spangled man. Lots of funny lines that had us all giggling merrily, like Tommy Lee Jones’s deadpan, “I’m not going to kiss you”. (Tommy Lee Jones was just utterly brilliant in general!) Richard Armitage on the silver screen! Good action sequences. Nazis – everyone knows they make brilliant movie baddies! (Remember the communists in Indiana Jones 4? No, neither do I.)


There were several times where I was suddenly aware of watching a film. I mean, sure, of course you know you’re watching a film, but the point is that if it’s a good film, you get sucked in and forget you’re just watching it. Here, at times, I could feel a film crew just out of the shot and the shots just felt contrived and the scenery felt too much like being in a studio. It took away a lot of the enjoyment.

No matter how brilliant an actor I think Hugo Weaving is, and he does an absolutely fantastic baddie. Red Skull might have even less of a nose than Lord Voldemort, but oh, he’s a creepy megalomaniac alright. Makes you wonder if Elrond’s hiding something.

But even so, the hero of the piece is a little guy who has turned into a big guy. And he has been given a shield made out of indestructible kickassium or something like that. But essentially, his main power is throwing the shield like some sort of Frisbee or boomerang and look good in tights. And that’s not really much of a super power …

After careful consideration, my verdict is 3.5 out of 5 indestructible shields.


An easily distracted and over-excited introvert who never learns to go to bed at a reasonable time. Enjoys traveling (when there's not a plague on), and taking photos of European architecture. Cares for cats, good coffee and Boardwalk Empire. A child of her time, she did media studies in school and still can't decide what she wants to be when she grows up.

5 thoughts on “Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

  1. Excellent review!! I read it aloud to OH and we both thought it was great. (Had a few lols in parts at your descriptions … better said, guffaws 🙂 ). OH mentioned that he thought Rogers needed to have a “weaker” voice when he had the pre-serum “Woody Allen-esque” body.

    Tommy-Lee Jones was totally awesome … loved him!! Also loved Hugo Weaving. Yes, and RA was suitably evil although maybe he should keep his British accent and forget about doing a US one. (Didn’t mind the German accent). I have to say that his performance was fleeting – I certainly am looking forward seeing more of him onscreen as Thorin.

    I agree with 3.5 stars for this movie. At the end of the day it was an enjoyable romp.

  2. Dude, with Joss Whedon working on “The Avengers” I totally look for Heinz Kruger to come back leading a Zombie Apocalypse.

  3. EXCELLENT review, Traxy! Glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂 I know what you mean about being aware of “watching a film” – I think the excessive fight montages kind of took me “out of the story” toward the latter half of things. But all in all quite entertaining!

    So they are plotting a CA post-Avengers sequel? Glad to hear it! I hope Thor is being considered as well – I really enjoyed both of these films and would hate to see the characters “dropped” after The Avengers next summer.

    Also, GREAT call on JJ’s resemblance to RDJ!

  4. Darn, I forgot to mention that if you stay after the credits, you get a teaser trailer for The Avengers. A film with Helmsworth, Fassbender, Downey Jr AND Evans AT THE SAME TIME?! Does it even need a plot?

    mulubinba: Thanks very much! 🙂 I agree about the voice – it didn’t seem to match the body. Sometimes you get that in people, fair enough, but that was a big voice for a weak and tiny bloke!

    jazzbaby1: Oooh, Joss Whedon’s involved? Hooray! 😀

    Lady Rose: Aww, I hope you get to see it soon too! 🙂

    Ruth: Thank you very much! 🙂 As a film in itself, I probably preferred Thor. I really liked the historical setting of CA, the jokes, the actors and everything else, but I didn’t get the feeling from Thor that I was watching a film set. It didn’t feel staged in the same way.

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